Listening to support Rural Mission

The Lightwave team have been seeking to listen to rural churches and communities about where they would like help in reaching out – so far you have told us that you would like support in these areas:

  • Reaching younger generations
  • Participation in building local community
  • Social needs and rural isolation
  • Schools

Many churches also tell us that they are good at building relationships in villages but find encouraging new Christian commitment more difficult, so we are particularly focussing on how we can support you in making new disciples and starting fresh expressions of Church.  What else can we learn?  Get in touch with one of our team.  We are always pleased to hear from you

How does the Lightwave Community work with rural benefices?

  • Listening and journeying together
  • Being intentional with mission-based values – Love God, Love People
  • Complementing existing ministry to reach new people
  • Creating possibilities through critical mass at larger rural events and projects
  • Providing support and training for rural outreach pioneers and Benefice Lightwave Group Leaders
  • Special support for Lightwave Incumbents especially those part-funded through the Growing in God in the Countryside Project 
  • A library of free, rural-friendly, downloadable resources for you to customise
  • Chaplaincy for farms and rural businesses
  • Support for social engagement
  • Ideas and information about loving your rural community through the LoveRural initiative.

How does Lightwave make and grow new disciples?

Lightwave is the name of the Suffolk Fresh Expressions community – a Christian community, meeting in small groups in homes, pubs, offices, schools and other places, working alongside more traditional ways of being church.  Its all about Small Groups shining God's Light.

Each group is part of the great wave of God’s love which brings light to our county. Many of these groups are supported by Lightwave Rural Hub Churches.

We have found that the following are key and would like to help you with:​​​​​​​

  • New approaches to connect with new people
  • Being intentional about growing in discipleship
  • Enabling a critical mass of younger generations to meet for rural worship, service and learning activities (especially through fresh expressions of Church)
  • Working closely with other churches
  • Laughter, friends and lots of prayer

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