We love prayer. It is all about giving our attention to God. Anyone can pray, at any time and any place. Prayer is like having a conversation with a friend or family member, except you are talking and listening to God.
There are many ways to pray;
It's great to pray with others, if you join a Lightwave group, they'd love to pray with you.
There are some resources to guide your times of prayer together here.
If you would like to be one of the regular Lightwave Prayer Supporters, which involves having an allocated day a month to pray specifically for the Lightwave Community and being part of our group of prayer warriors, contact Nina.Seaman@cofesuffolk.org.
You can also join the Lightwave Community staff team for morning prayer online on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at 9.00am. Contact Nina.Seaman@cofesuffolk.org for more details.