The small group materials above are designed for any small group who want to share God's love.  They help the group to listen to God and the community and discern God's call in mission.  As part of this, the materials encourage the group to work with  incumbent and wider benefice.  With a little adaptation, some of these materials could be used resource a team who were leading a wider discernment process in the benefice.  Feel free to adapt and select from them as you find most helpful.

The Suffolk Discipleship Pathway is a tried and tested way of helping congregations and small groups identify how they can help people as they explore faith and become disciples of Jesus.

If you would like further help, please contact


The Church of England’s research into church growth suggests that

“churches that intend to grow, tend to grow”.

The Diocese of St Edmundsbury and Ipswich diocese recommends all fresh expressions of Church and the small groups behind them create a Plan for Growth to help them flourish in your own unique context. 


Most fresh expressions of Church are part of a wider benefice.  The Diocesan Website explains three simple steps to help benefices create a Benefice Plan for Growth:

1) Listen to your communities - 

2) Choose your three main priorities

3) Plan your next steps

The listening stage involves the whole benefice community coming to listen and discern together. The plans of a small missional group can feed into this discernment and become part of a benefice plan.  Or sometimes a small missional group will be at the very heart of the benefice discernment process - praying and listening across a all the parishes.

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